Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2020

CGX Quick 20 Impedanz bis 5000 kOHM akzeptiert

Was das CGX Quick 20 kann

10. Optimize Sensor Contact After properly positioning the headset on the subject, obtain direct contact on all sensors before recording. Bring up the impedance check in the CGX Data Acquisition software under the Channels tab. The impedance check presents a color-coded map of the sensors on the device, corresponding to contact level: Red Impedance out of range (>5,000 kΩ default) Light Green Impedance at top end of range (2,500-5,000 kΩ default) Dark Green Impedance at bottom end of range (<2,500 kΩ default) The range of impedances with dry sensors may be higher than what you are accustomed to when working with conventional wet sensor amplifiers. CGX devices utilize a combination of advanced electronics, shielding, and mechanics to obtain EEG signals even when contact is poor, and can tolerate sensor impedance up to 5,000 kΩ. 

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