Samstag, 1. August 2015

Neuroguide, Applied neuroscience

How Applied Neuroscience, Inc.
Has Changed the Face of EEG Biofeedback

1994 –  First to Introduce and Implement a Normative Database to EEG Biofeedback (Lexicor).  The goal was to use Z Scores from Norms for Assessment, Biofeedback Protocol Development & Evaluation of Treatment efficacy following Biofeedback.
2002 –  First to Produce Commercial Software that Integrates Conventional EEG with QEEG on the Same Screen at the Same Time.
2004  –  First to Implement Live Z Scores (real-time) for EEG Biofeedback.
2005  –  First to Implement LORETA Source Correlations.
2008  –  First to Implement 19 Channel EEG Z Score Biofeedback.
              First to Implement Surface EEG Phase Shift & Phase Lock measures   
              First to Implement Cross-Frequency Phase Lock & Phase Shift Duration.
              First to Implement LORETA Z Score Biofeedback.
2009  –  First to Implement Seamless Integration of QEEG Assessment and Biofeedback
              First to Implement Surface Laplacian EEG Biofeedback.
              First to Implement Average Reference EEG Biofeedback.
              First to Implement a Symptom Check List to produce Biofeedback protocols of
the Surface EEG.
2010  –  First to Implement a Symptom Check List with LORETA Z score Biofeedback.
2011  –  First to implement LORETA Coherence and Phase Z Score Biofeedback
2012  –  First to Implement LORETA Coherence and Phase Difference in Biofeedback.
              First to Produce the “Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback” a Textbook for Students and Professionals.
2013  –  First to Implement LORETA Z Scores of Phase Lock & Phase Shift
to  Biofeedback.

              First to Implement a Real-Time 3D Rendered MRI volume & Nodes (Brodmann Areas)
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